In India, the purchase and sale of unlisted shares of Studds Accessories Limited is not only permissible but also completely legal. However, there are no regulations governing the market. It is entirely predicated on aspects of reliability. The investors have prior experience with the unlisted market. Because it has been around for more than a decade and has attracted a significant number of new investors, it offers the advantages of early stage investing. Investing in unlisted companies or start-ups is accomplished by purchasing employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs) or shares directly from the company’s promoters. There is no doubt that the unlisted market was significantly riskier than the listed market, and one of the primary reasons for this was liquidity. However, as time has progressed, we have developed a solution to this problem by connecting buyers and sellers in unlisted marketplaces. We are real platforms, and thousands of users put their faith in us. If you want to purchase or sell unlisted shares of Studds Accessories Limited, you can do so through our app or website, which is called UnlistedZone. Alternatively, you can use the Unlistedzone website. Simply clicking this link will take you to the Google Play Store where you can download our app.