According to SEBI rules, the lock-in period for CSK is six months from the date of listing. The lock-in period is the period during which an investment cannot be withdrawn or redeemed. Previously, the lock-in period was one year; however, in order to encourage investors to remain invested in startups planning to go public, SEBI has reduced the lock-in period from one year to six months. A lock-in period does not imply an investment tenure. The investment tenure can extend beyond the lock-in period. The lock-in period varies depending on the type of investment. A lock-in period allows investors to benefit from long-term investment. The lock-in period assists startups and businesses in developing a business model. CSK is one of the IPL’s fastest growing franchises. If CSK is listed on the stock exchange, the lock-in period will undoubtedly help the franchise grow. CSK, led by former Indian national cricket team captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni, is one of the most well-known franchises in the IPL.